Introducing Akamai’s Cloud Networking

Akamai is a leading CDN provider with a mission to make Internet fast, reliable, and secure. In addition to it’s traditional CDN offering, Akamai provides many other products to improve all types of Internet services. This talk will provide an overview of one of Akamai’s Intelligent Platforms, SureRoute IP (SRIP). SRIP provides a flexibile and scalable foundation for a number of Akamai products by ensuring reliable, high performance delivery of traffic across the Internet. Existing Cloud Networking solutions have been deployed on this platform, such as Optimized Transport, IP Accelerator, IP Relay, and Riverbed Steelhead SaaS. We will take a closer look at the most recent Cloud Networking solution, Optimized Transport (OT), which promises to ensure performance and reliability of IP-VPN and SaaS for the Enterprise Connected Branch. We will provide an overview of the OT product offering as well as discussing scaling challenges we’ve faced while building this exciting new product.

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