TOPIC: Mobile, Video and Web

RTC @Scale 2023

MARCH 29, 2023 @ 9:00 AM PDT - 3:30 PM PDT

We are excited to organize our second annual RTC @Scale Conference for engineers who develop and manage large-scale real-time communication (RTC) systems serving millions of people. The operations of large-scale RTC systems has always involved complex engineering challenges which continue to attract attention due to the explosive growth of RTC over the last couple years. The @Scale community focuses on bringing people together to discuss these challenges and collaborate on the development of new solutions.

Register today and check back for upcoming speaker and agenda announcements!



RTC @Scale 2023 will be hosted virtually. Joining us are speakers from Microsoft, SMPL, Amazon, University of Southern California, Dolby and Meta. The event will feature talks themed around four main topic areas: Core AV in RTC, Scaling RTC for Large Calls, ML & Simulations for Large Calls and RTC for Metaverse.


Event times below are displayed in PT.

March 29

09:00 AM - 09:05 AM
Host Welcome
Speaker Li-Tal Mashiach,Meta
09:05 AM - 09:30 AM
Meta RTC - State of the Union
Speaker Rish Tandon,Meta
09:30 AM - 09:50 AM
Real-time audio at Meta scale

The talk will cover what goes into delivering a reliable and high quality audio experience that scales across the diversity of device and network conditions of our users across Meta's family of apps including Messenger, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. In addition to covering components such as gain control, echo cancellation, noise suppression and codecs that are typically spoken about, the talk will dive deep into a less familiar but arguably more important problem of audio reliability (can you hear me?). The talk will also address new challenges in delivering audio for the Metaverse where users experience the magic of being present in the same room.

Speaker Sriram Srinivasan,Meta
09:50 AM - 10:10 AM
AV1 for Meta RTC

AV1 is becoming mainstream in the streaming world, and now is the time to leverage it for real-time communications as well. Upgrading to a next generation video codec possesses a number of challenges and opportunities when serving over a billion users. Niklas will share Meta's learnings from AV1 integration, discuss tradeoffs and mitigations that can be taken to reduce the negative impacts, and cover the biggest gain that can be made.

Speaker Niklas Enbom,Meta
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
Keeping it Simple

Jonathan will describe his successes and failures over his career in Real-time Communications (RTC), and what he believes is core to building, deploying and maintaining successful services that delight users.

Speaker Jonathan Christensen,SMPL
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM
Live Q&A with Speakers

Moderated by Li-Tal Mashiach

Speaker Li-Tal Mashiach,Meta
10:50 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Top Considerations for Integrating RTC with Android Appliances

Enabling RTC from anywhere is becoming increasingly important as we continue to evolve the hybrid workspace and extend the capabilities of RTC. Android appliances address a number of use cases that go beyond what PCs and mobile phones can provide but with that come a host of challenges that need to be addressed. In this session, you will gain a broad understanding of some of the considerations in developing RTC solutions on appliances other than PCs and mobile phones.

Speaker Sandhya Rao,Microsoft
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM
Scaling for Large Group Calls

Intro to the challenges we are facing to support large group calls. And how our technologies evolve to support large group calls, including BWA, simulcast, temporal layer etc with two audio features for group call: audio capping and dominant speaker detection.

Speaker Yun Zhang,Meta
Speaker Bin Liu,Meta
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Relay Infrastructure at WhatsApp Scale

Gain insights into the incredible scale of WhatsApp's calling feature, which handles billions of calls every day. Discover how our calling relay reliably manages such high loads and learn about our strategies to prevent catastrophic failure during extreme traffic spikes. Explore some of the complex scenarios that the calling relay handles and how our design decisions prioritize both privacy and scalability.

Speaker Saish Gersappa,Meta
Speaker Nitin Khandelwal,Meta
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Live Q&A with Speakers

Hosted by Deniz Hastorun

Speaker Deniz Hastorun,Meta
12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
01:00 PM - 01:20 PM
Building a flexible, scalable infrastructure to test at scale is an API platform to enable easy integration of high-fidelity audio, video solutions into your real-time communications, media processing and streaming applications in browsers and mobile applications. In this talk we will walk through the challenges, learnings and approaches taken to enable testing the platform at scale. We will explore how we use a custom DSL together with known architecture patterns like the publish subscribe model to elevate our scale testing and analysis capabilities for video, audio and network parameters at scale

Speaker Vinay Mathew,Dolby
01:20 PM - 01:40 PM
Blind Quality Assessment for Real-Time Visual Communications

Real-time visual communications are popular nowadays. Object assessment of transmitted video quality, which is correlated with the human visual experience, is challenging in two aspects. First, there is no reference video. Second, end terminals have limited computational power. A machine-learning-based solution to blind quality assessment of real-time video to be implemented in end terminals is presented in this talk.

Speaker Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo,USC
01:40 PM - 02:00 PM
Beware the Bot Armies! Protecting RTC User Experience Using Simulations

Meta uses multiple levels of simulations to help improve user experience and prevent regressions before changes impact users. Learn what types of testing work best for various areas of the stack. Find out how to “shift left” and save time and money by gaining learnings earlier in your process. Iterate faster without causing user pain. See how we can test calls with thousands of users… without needing thousands of users.

Speaker wurzel parsons-keir,Meta
02:00 PM - 02:20 PM
Using Machine Learning to Enrich and Analyze Real-time Communications

The Amazon Chime SDK enables builders to add communication capabilities to their apps. A key capability of the SDK is the ability to apply machine learning to enrich audio and video sessions. Customers also use machine learning to derive intelligent insights from these sessions. We will dive deep into how customers are using real-time machine learning capabilities in their communication services.

Speaker Sid Rao,Amazon
02:20 PM - 02:40 PM
Live Q&A with Speakers

Moderated by Li-Tal Mashiach

Speaker Li-Tal Mashiach,Meta
02:40 PM - 03:00 PM
rsys SDK - Cross platform real-time system library
Speaker Ishan Khot,Meta
Speaker Hani Atassi,Meta
03:00 PM - 03:20 PM
RTC@Metaverse: Bringing RTC to Metaverse

Discover how Meta is transforming traditional phone calls into fully immersive avatar experiences, allowing you to be present in any virtual environment. We'll explore the cutting-edge technology behind real-time state management, giving you a glimpse into the complexity of creating RTC as an operating system-level construct.You'll also learn about the various types of avatars and how we transport their skeletal data using WebRTC.

Speaker Raman Walia,Meta
Speaker Shreyas Basarge,Meta
Additional Resources
03:20 PM - 03:30 PM
Live Q&A with Speakers

Moderated by Deniz Hastorun

Speaker Deniz Hastorun,Meta
03:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Closing Remarks
Speaker Li-Tal Mashiach,Meta


Li-Tal is a key leader in Remote Presence org in Meta, supporting media in... read more

Li-Tal Mashiach


Rish is the VP & Head of Engineering for Messenger at Meta. Prior to... read more

Rish Tandon


Sriram Srinivasan leads the audio teams at Meta working on technologies for next-gen real-time... read more

Sriram Srinivasan


Niklas is an engineering manager at Meta, leading the team responsible for video calling... read more

Niklas Enbom


Jonathan is a product leader and startup founder/executive with 20+ years building ground up... read more

Jonathan Christensen


Sandhya Rao is a Group Principal Product Manager for Microsoft Teams Devices. During her... read more

Sandhya Rao


Yun started his career at Meta with the video encoding team in 2017 and... read more

Yun Zhang


Bin spent his first 10 years in his software development career at Microsoft mostly... read more

Bin Liu


Saish has spent over two decades solving networking problems related to security and real... read more

Saish Gersappa


Nitin is a user-needs driven engineering leader. He leads the Consumer engineering organization responsible... read more

Nitin Khandelwal


Deniz is an engineer in the Meta Remote Presence Foundation signaling team. She works... read more

Deniz Hastorun


Vinay Mathew currently leads the team that is responsible for building a scale testing... read more

Vinay Mathew


Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo holds the William M. Hogue Professorship in Electrical and Computer... read more

Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo


Wurzel began working in the video space in 1988 simulating ASIC polygon rendering. He... read more

wurzel parsons-keir


Sid Rao leads the Amazon Chime SDK team at Amazon. He enjoys developing other... read more

Sid Rao


I was the lead engineer of the team that built Rsys, a client side... read more

Ishan Khot


Hani is a Software Engineer with over 17 years of experience in developing cross-platform... read more

Hani Atassi


Raman Walia is a software engineer with more than 20 years of experience. He... read more

Raman Walia


Shreyas Basarge



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