@Scale brings thousands of engineers together throughout the year to discuss complex engineering challenges and to work on the development of new solutions. We’re committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment — one that encourages collaboration and sparks innovation.
Every @Scale event participant has the right to enjoy his or her experience without fear of harassment, discrimination, or condescension. The @Scale code of conduct outlines the behavior that we support and don’t support at @Scale events and conferences. We expect participants to follow these rules at all @Scale event venues, online communities, and event-related social activities. These guidelines will keep the @Scale community a safe and enjoyable one for everyone.
Be welcoming. Everyone is welcome at @Scale events, inclusive of (but not limited to) gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, body size, differing abilities, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, age, color and neurodiversity. We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination.
Choose your words carefully. Treat one another with respect and in a professional manner. We’re here to collaborate. Conflict is not part of the equation.
Know where the line is, and don’t cross it. Harassment, threats, or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes verbal, physical, sexual (such as sexualized imagery on clothing, presentations, in print, or onscreen), written, or any other form of aggression (whether outright, subtle, or micro). Behavior that is offensive, as determined by @Scale organizers, security staff, or conference management, will not be tolerated. Participants who are asked to stop a behavior or an action are expected to comply immediately or will be asked to leave.
Don’t be afraid to call out bad behavior. If you’re the target of harmful or offensive behavior, or if you witness someone else being harassed, threatened, or intimidated, don’t look away. Tell an @Scale staff member, a security staff member, or a conference organizer immediately. Please notify our event staff, security staff, or conference organizers of any harmful or offensive behavior that you’ve experienced or witnessed in any form, whether in person or online.
We at @Scale want our events to be safe for everyone, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for violations of our code of conduct. @Scale conference organizers will investigate any allegation of problematic behavior, and we will respond accordingly. We reserve the right to take any follow-up actions we determine are needed. These include being warned, being refused admittance, being ejected from the conference with no refund, and being banned from future @Scale events.