Applying Continuous Delivery to Database Schema: Reduce Risk & Accelerate by Pipelining All The Things

While Continuous Delivery (CD) has revolutionized application deployment, database schema changes often remain a manual, high-risk process. This talk explores how to extend CD practices to schema management in databases, reducing risk and accelerating delivery. Tyson Trautmann, VP of Engineering at Fauna, illustrates the challenges of traditional schema change processes and presents strategies for implementing Continuous Schema Delivery.

Attendees will learn about the unique challenges that data and associated schema present for CD, essential requirements for successful implementation, and practical techniques for integrating schema changes into CI/CD pipelines. The talk covers version control for schemas, zero-downtime migration techniques, and automated testing strategies. Tyson also demonstrates Fauna’s approach to schema management, which includes progressive schema enforcement, schema as code capabilities, and zero-downtime migrations, supports implementing CD best practices as database schema evolves.

This talk provides valuable insights for engineers looking to reduce risk and increase delivery speed by bringing their database schema into their CD workflow. Learn how to pipeline all the things — including your schema changes — for a more robust and efficient development process.

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